Braces, usually made from plastic, metal, and foam, are designed to stabilize a joint, reduce pain and inflammation, and strengthen the muscle around the joint. A brace puts pressure on the sides of a joint to cause the joint to realign, which decreases the contact between two rough bone surfaces and reduces the pain while increasing mobility.
At Potomac Valley Orthopaedic Associates we offer a complete line of durable medical equipment for the foot and ankle, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, and spine.
We offer a wide variety of durable medical equipment (DME) products in all four of our locations.
Potomac Valley Orthopaedic Associates features two types of custom braces from the manufacturer BREG. Each brace is custom-made based on precise measurements that our trained specialists and technicians take. Because of this, you have a true fit that is only for you. These braces include: